Jay's Photos - Series 4

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I'm in my carseat, dressed up for spring in my fleece. Let's get a move on, guys!

With my tehteh for the first time, and my cousin Celina. I'm looking forward to meeting my other grandfather, he's coming next week!

With cousin Steven, Tehteh, Celina, and mummy.

Daddy's fingers taste A-OK.

I'm even a charmer when I'm asleep. Mummy loves this "airplane" sleeper.

Candids are fine, but posing for pictures sometimes distresses me.

Aaagh! Green and orange! We clash, papa!

Maybe if I'm really quiet, and lay really still, they won't see me and I can stay up and party instead of going to bed.

I'm working on somethin' stinky. This is the hardest thing I do all day.

What's goin' on? You got a camera? Can I come over and see it?

I'm having a snack after a bath, and I'm sort of tired. I'm about one month old in this picture.

Mummy's talking to me, but I'm not sure I understand.

I get it now!

Out for a walk on the town, I'm in the stroller while mummy and daddy look at houses. Yeah, it's boring.

My serious look. Mummy says Winston Churchill, daddy says Beethoven. I say "naked baby".

Giving the thumbs-up on the bath I just had.

This is me with Grandma Jane. She's been visiting from Ottawa; I'm happy that I'm already receiving important delegations from the world's capitals.

Whoo-hoo! Gifts! This is my new shortset from Jill I got at my baby shower.

This is also from my baby shower. I love having a fuss made over me!

Finally, I thought you would all like this look at my cat Riley, who kisses me now so I think he likes me. He's not really sitting up... but it sure looks funny.

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Last modified December 31, 2003 by Craig Burley.