Jay's Photos - Series 9

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Bath time! Come and watch me splash around in the big-boy tub.

Daddy is pouring water from the cup, I'm trying to catch it, and it's not going overly well.

The cascading water is rather hypnotic.

As always, things just go better when they're in your mouth. This is one of my tub toys, a blue otter who paddles around and makes me splash everywhere. Fun!

I've been in this tub an awfully long time. Am I clean yet?

This is the chair mummy and daddy use to rock me to sleep some nights. For now, it's just a comfy place to sit while daddy fiddles with the camera. Check out my NHL socks!

Yeah, I'm handsome. I know.

The only thing I like more than listening to Mozart concertos is playing them. Are you ready?

I said, are you ready? Watch out! It can get pretty loud!

Da DUM dee DUM dee DUM da dum da DUM... DUM da DUM dee dum da DUM da DUM... I could do this all day.

Aaaaaah! Mummy! That tickles!

Well, I'm over and out. See you next time, and thanks for visiting me!

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Last modified December 31, 2003 by Craig Burley.