Jay's Photos - Series 10

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I'm in my PJs, my hair is freshly brushed after my bath and I'm relaxing before bed.

My goodness I have a lot of toys! I think I'll stretch out and enjoy them all.

Mmm, no, actually I'll come check out the camera. It's obvious I'm getting close to bedtime, I have tired eyes!

I move so fast now, I'm just a blur!

My soft blanket was a present from one of Daddy's friends. It can hold 29 toys on it, plus me, all at the same time.

In my high chair, waiting for dinner to arrive. Garcon! Waiter! Waitress! Where is my order!? If my eyes look big, it's because I'm getting sweet potatoes for dinner, which are my favourite food now.

The cat just walked by, but I'm not distracted.

Daddy's telling funny jokes and blowing raspberries again. You can see my teeth in this shot.

I know it's close to bedtime, but if I act really cute and smile a lot, maybe Mummy will let me stay up.

Pushing off for a crawl. I mostly go backwards, but lately I've started going forwards too, mostly just to fall on my face, scare Mummy and Daddy, grab the cat's fur, and try to grab videos off the shelf.

So how about a kiss?

I'm really filling out, aren't I? A solid regimen of eating, that's what I recommend. I'm probably laughing at a silly song or story that Mummy is telling.

Well, I can't deny that I'm sad to see you go. But it was fun having you by to see me, and I hope you can do it again soon!

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Last modified December 31, 2003 by Craig Burley.